Our Game Proyect – Aeon´s Dawn

This is a late intro to a proyect I´ve been working for the past 2 months. In colaboration with Bernd Weckx a very tallented programemr and designer we set on a course to create our first videogame, Aeon´s Dawn.

Aeon´s Dawn is a turn-based strategy game much like the well-known “XCom” series and the “Fire Emblem” series with a pixel art stye layout and animations.

Aeon’s Dawn will be story driven, a fully contained story with a clear beginning, middle and an end. A fantasy story set in a fictional late-Medieval world. Players will be able to explore and experience the plot as much as they want to, we don’t want to enforce our ideas of storytelling to anyone.

We are currently working on a demo to launch our kickstarter campaing. I will try to keep regular updates but you can also check this link for development videos and more.


We have been working toghether and learning a lot of what game development is all about. A lot of hard work but totally worth it.

Also we are currently working with “Orb SoundWerx” a fantastic music group that will helps us out with their enchanted melodies.

Follow us, leave your comments and we will continue to make this game posibble.


Cheers and see you soon with a new update!!

Anibal Casas-artist and designer






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