Knight Animated Character
- 6 animated movements
- Idle, Walk, Run, Attack1,
Attack 2 and Die animation - Frame size 1000×1000
- Png + Alpha Sheets included
- Png+Alpha and PSD file for the individual
part of the character

Isometric Village
- 28 hand painted isometric elements
- PNG+Alpha
- Seamless Terrain, walls, buildings and roads
- to create your own medieval town

- Candy theme user interface
- 56 vector elements
- pre made huds included
- EPS AI and PNG exports included
- All editable
- Font not included Link:http://www.dafont.com/es/riffic.font

Low Poly Cartoon Taxi
Simple Cartoon Style Taxi
Tris count 976
Hand painted Uv texture included.
Obj format for the body of the taxi and the wheels.
Unity package included